WIS 20, Main St/1st St, Village of Waterford

Posted By: John Elkin Awards,

2022 Engineering Excellence State Finalist

Entering Firm: raSmith
Client: Wisconsin Department of Transportation

Wisconsin has many small towns that enrich the fabric of the state. These towns feature downtowns rich in local small businesses. The Village of Waterford exemplifies this and is officially designated a “Wisconsin Main Street” community. However, the actual main street was not capable of supporting the village as it needed.

raSmith faced two challenges – redesigning the corridor to meet the needs of downtown businesses and maintaining good traffic flow on this important road. The road connects the village to nearby interstates and brings in visitors and residents. The team first tackled the roadway design. The new design addressed limited sight lines and irregular curves that contributed to crashes and slowed traffic flow. The redesign also staged construction to keep traffic moving and preserved downtown parking.

The second stage was to make downtown a friendlier place for all users. Ample precautions were taken for bikers and pedestrians. Curb bump outs, high-visibility crosswalks and flashing beacons were added to increase safety. The design team worked with the business community to improve even the smallest elements; this attention to detail is a vital part of the village’s appeal.

The design team’s efforts mean that this Wisconsin Main Street community has a main street that serves the needs of motorists, residents and businesses, exactly what you think of when you think of Wisconsin’s small towns.

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