Transportation Improvement Conference Agenda

Please use this page to learn more about the sessions at the 2025 Transportation Improvement Conference. Each session has a title, description and speaker. Full attendance is eligible for 7.5 PDHs if attending all sessions (including either pre-session).

Tuesday, March 4

We're excited to offer two pre-sessions to improve your conference experience. "Networking with Confidence" is an exclusive opportunity for emerging professionals (defined as individuals in the first thirds of their careers). Both sessions are included with registration.

Ethical Decision Making for Engineers (10:30 - 11:30 a.m.)

Speaker: Richard Kyte, Viterbo University

Ethical decision-making is one of the chief responsibilities of leaders in any profession, especially since ethics is a crucial factor in workplace safety, employee engagement, and productivity. This program will introduce the “Four Way Method for Ethical Decision-Making” for working through and communicating difficult decisions with coworkers, clients, and the public.

Learning Objectives:

  • Review the standard of ethical care for professional engineers.
  • Understand the importance of ethics in the workplace.
  • Discover a framework for applying ethical decision-making in daily business.
  • Learn why ethics matters beyond practical applications.
"How to Work a Room" Networking with a Purpose  (10:30 - 11:30 a.m.)

Speaker: B. Denise Patton, BDP & Associates

This session will focus on improving communication and socializing skills. Participants will reflect, self-assess and acknowledge their current level of comfort
and confidence in working a room. Additionally, participants will learn about strategies for effective and successful social engagement in a variety of rooms, mastering the art of making a memorable first impression to create and leverage lasting connections.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover what it means to be an effective networker.
  • Learn some strategies and tactics for making a memorable first impression.
  • Improve your socializing skills with tailored activities.
Registration & Lunch (11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)
Emerging Professionals Lunch (11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

Emerging professionals (those in the first third of their careers) are invited to discuss any topics in a small group environment. This is your opportunity to talk to others along the same career path and make lasting connections.

Opening Session (12:30 - 2:00 p.m.)

Speakers: Wisconsin's Transportation Leaders

Hear from the leaders in transportation in Wisconsin and learn about upcoming initiatives from each organization.

Learning Objectives:

  • Review transportation achievements from WisDOT and FHWA over the past year.
  • Gain insight into the year ahead.
  • Discover how consultants and government can collaborate to achieve transportation wins.

A1. Threatened and Endangered Species – What’s T&E Now?

Speaker: Jennifer Gibson, WisDOT

This session will inform you about the latest strategies and best practices to address threatened and endangered species on transportation projects, provide you with an understanding of how protected species compliance occurs throughout various project phases and the key differences between federal and state regulatory requirements and give you a “heads up” regarding future T&E species looming on the horizon for listing. It will also help you avoid common environmental commitments mistakes related to T&E species and let you know about what a dedicated US Fish and Wildlife position working for WisDOT means.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the key differences between federal and state endangered species compliance and how timelines can vary for each.
  •  Understand the importance of developing feasible environmental commitments for protected species and learn best practices for successful implementation.
  • Understand notable process changes due to federal T&E species listings.

A2. WisDOT Design-Build Development Update
Speakers: Christine Krall & Ben Thompson, WisDOT

Get the latest WisDOT design-build projects!  We will highlight the design-build procurement steps that consultants lead as part of the DB team.  Additionally, get the latest update on the Minnesota led Blatnik design-build project. Includes general design build training, 2025 schedule for DB projects and Blatnik update.

Learning Objectives:

  • Attendees will be able to summarize current design-build program developments.
  • Attendees will be able to identify WisDOT future design-build projects and the project characteristics.
  • Attendees will be able to summarize the open ended performance plan that will be included in future design-build projects.

A3. Safe Systems Approach in the City of Milwaukee
Speakers: Jesse Jefferson, City of Milwaukee

This course provides an in-depth exploration of the Safe Systems Approach to road safety, focusing on its application within the City of Milwaukee. Participants will learn about the core principles of Safe Systems, including safe road users, safe vehicles, safe infrastructure, safe speeds, and post-crash care. Through real-world examples, case studies, and current efforts in Milwaukee, this course will demonstrate how a holistic, multi-faceted strategy can reduce traffic-related fatalities and injuries.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the Key Principles of the Safe Systems Approach
  • Analyze Traffic Safety Challenges in Milwaukee
  • Evaluate the Role of Infrastructure and Design in Road Safety
  • Learn about Speed Management and Policy Strategies

A4. Drone Use at WisDOT
Speakers: Brian Boothby & Steve Doocy, WisDOT

Learn about how the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) uses drones (unmanned aircraft systems [UAS]) as they relate to structure inspections and event responses.  This presentation will cover an overview of our current fleet, management of our program, current use cases and how we manage the data from those missions, and where we hope drones will help us in the future.  Additionally, there will be a brief discussion on the recent policy changes for the use of drones by consultants and contractors for WisDOT projects.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe WisDOT drone usage.
  • Define future possible use cases.
  • Describe current WisDOT policies for drone use.

A5. Madison East-West Bus Rapid Transit
Speakers: Mike Cechvala & Tom Lynch, City of Madison; Jeff Held, Strand Associates; Michael Scheneider, AECOM

The City of Madison's first Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) route opened in September 2024, spanning 15 miles and 31 stations across the isthmus from a park and ride on Junction Road, through the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW) campus, downtown Madison, and to the East Towne Mall area. The $194.25 million project includes 9.5 miles of exclusive bus-only transit lanes, 46 60-foot articulated battery electric buses, a new 87-space Junction Road Park and Ride facility, on-route and depot electric bus chargers, and two bus operator comfort facilities. Tom Lynch, City of Madison Director of Transportation, and Mike Cechvala, Madison Metro Capital Projects Manager, will be discussing the history and need of the project, the planning and coordination that went into it, and the outcome it has had on the City of Madison. Michael Schneider, AECOM Project Manager, and Jeff Held, Strand Traffic Lead, will discuss the traffic analysis, environmental reviews, and design challenges and opportunities for the corridor.

Learning Objectives:

  • Summarize City of Madison’s enhanced transit history and the East-West BRT project’s purpose and need.
  • Explain the complex planning, outreach, design, and coordination required for the City of Madison to deliver a project of this magnitude.
  • Comprehend the traffic analysis scope and outcomes, and how that relates to the constructed BRT running way.
  • Describe the basics of a bus rapid transit project, including bus only lanes, enhanced amenities, and improved boarding efficiencies, as well as design challenges and opportunities specific to the East-West BRT project.


B2. I-94 East/West
Speakers: Gary Ferguson, Jacobs & WisDOT

In March 2024, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) signed a Record of Decision (ROD) for the I-94 East-West Corridor Project in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. The ROD confirms federal approval for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation's (WisDOT) plan to reconstruct 3.5 miles of I-94 from 16th to 70th Street. Some of the critical elements needed to achieve this major milestone will be discussed, including a first of its kind in Wisconsin Greenhouse Gas Analysis. With the signed ROD, the project has now advanced into final design with construction scheduled to begin in late 2025. Project schedule, ongoing stakeholder coordination and design updates will be the focus of this presentation.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about the I-94 Project Schedule and Contract Packaging.
  • Review ongoing stakeholder coordination.
  • Understand the design elements of a DDI and unique features of the Stadium Interchange.
  • Discover Greenhouse Gas Analysis best practices.

B3. Delivering Projects with Railroad Coordination
Speakers: Kris Sommers, WisDOT and Joanna Bush, Mead & Hunt

Gain insight into the railroad coordination process, the people and agencies involved, what triggers different complexities and timelines within the process, and how you, the roadway designer, can ensure successful and timely coordination on your project.

Learning Objectives:

  • Help designers understand the railroad coordination process, how it varies depending on the project type and its impacts to the railroad as well as the timelines associated with each of the typical types of projects,
  • Provide a background on the role of the various entities and agencies involved in a project requiring railroad coordination.
  • Provide guidance on preparing a railroad project submittal package and a railroad real estate submittal package.
  • Provide updates on signing and marking requirements near railroad crossings according to WMUTCD.

B4. Public Involvement – Chapter 6 is Here!
Speakers: David Hunt & Kathie VanPrice, WisDOT

This session will give you an overview of the recently published Facilities Development Manual Chapter 6, identify some of the latest PI practices for state transportation projects, give you an overview of the proposal to put all DTSD PI information on one webpage and detail updates to PI used for some of the current Mega/Major and other complex projects including detour considerations.

Learning Objectives:

  • Use Chapter 6 of the FDM to develop and provide excellent public involvement on their projects.
  • Understand new public involvement techniques to apply to project PI.
  • Understand the purpose for developing a new DTSD PI webpage and what it will look like.

B5. Visions of Zero Utility Delays in Wisconsin
Speakers: Michael Baumann & Becky Reese, WisDOT

This breakout session will provide an update and overview of initiatives that will help prevent utility delays on your project. Updates on the status and implementation of the revised utility worksheet and utility exhibit will be shared. In addition, an overview of the lessons learned from Trans 220 utility relocation delays and how these may affect the utility coordination process will be provided. Finally, enhanced utility coordination will be presented as a new and upcoming strategy to be used on all projects.

Learning Objectives:

  • Status of the revised utility worksheet and utility exhibit.
  • Lessons learned from utility relocation delays during the 2024 construction season.
  • Impacts of enhanced utility coordination on the design process.


Networking Reception, Dinner and Design Awards (5:00 - 9:00 p.m.)

Wind down after the day and meet other attendees. Dinner will be served and each attendee will receive a drink ticket. Then, we'll celebrate the WisDOT Design Awards together before continuing the networking experience. It's a great way to close the first day!

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Wednesday, March 5

Breakfast Buffet (7:30 - 8:30 a.m.)

C1. Environmental Updates – 94% Categorical Exclusion Checklists
Speakers: Jennifer Gibson & Michael Helmrick, WisDOT

This session will provide a high-level overview of environmental updates related to: the latest environmental document templates, future training opportunities and a first glimpse at the new, streamlined process for reviewing and approving environmental documents.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the latest required procedures for ensuring the environmental elements of their projects are documented in a legally sufficient manner based on recent CEQ and other environmental regulation updates.
  • Know what training opportunities are available to them for increasing their knowledge of general environmental documentation and specific environmental resources areas.
  • Understand the recently developed streamlined process for review and approval of environmental documents.

C2. I-41, STH 96 to CTH F Project Update
Speakers: Scott Ebel & Bryan Learst, WisDOT

I-41 is a 23-mile reconstruction project which includes adding a third travel lane in each direction to address congestion and crash-rate concerns throughout the corridor. The project also includes the reconstruction of 10 service interchanges and one system interchange at WIS 441. 2024 marked the first year of construction with mainline construction work to begin early 2025. This session will provide an overview of the following topics

  • Overall Design Status
  • Status of project noise barriers
  • Upcoming Construction and Staging updates
  • Utility Coordination in design and construction
  • Real Estate Acquisition progress
  • Project implementation of the revised Community Sensitive Design policy
  • Municipal and County Coordination Highlights

Learning Objectives:

  • Review project current design status.
  • Discuss how the project is approaching community sensitive design.
  • Share how construction on the project is proceeding and what work is coming up next year.

C3. Borealis Service and Wisconsin Intercity Passenger Rail
Speakers: Aaron Bowe, HNTB, Arun Rao, Amtrak & Lisa Stern, WisDOT

The Borealis service includes a new passenger rail service operating from St. Paul to Chicago with Wisconsin stops in La Crosse, Tomah, Wisconsin Dells, Portage, Columbus, Milwaukee, Milwaukee Airport, and Sturtevant. The rail service was implemented to address gaps in the regional transportation system and provide flexibility for intercity travel between the Twin Cities, Milwaukee, and Chicago. This course will give an overview of the Borealis service implementation including:

  • Purpose and Need
  • Stakeholder Coordination
  • Operating Schedules & Improvements
  • Start of Service
  • WI CID Corridors
  • The Borealis service has seen much success since the start of operations and is just the beginning for the expansion of passenger rail in Wisconsin!

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop an understanding of the Borealis service implementation challenges WisDOT, MnDOTand operator Amtrak needed to overcome to create a new intercity passenger rail route.
  • Develop an understanding of the Borealis route benefits and goals.
  • Learn why Borealis is an important passenger rail route and why it is different than the Empire Builder including the success of the route in the first months of operations.

C4. In a Roundabout Way – FDM 11-26 Updates and STH 54 Compact Roundabouts
Speaker: Jesse Hansen & Van Walling, WisDOT; Amanda DeAmico, MSA Professional Services; Kevin Kuhlow & Phil Verville III, Ayres Associates

There’s always something new to learn about roundabouts! Join us in seeing what’s changed in FDM 11-26 and in learning about the first compact roundabouts on the Wisconsin state highway system. 

WisDOT recently revised FDM 11-26 Roundabouts to include updated guidance and align with new national roundabout guidelines published in NCHRP 1043. This presentation will provide an overview of the changes.

The first compact roundabouts on the Wisconsin state highway system were recently constructed on STH 54 within the City of Seymour. This presentation will discuss the selection of compact roundabouts to improve safety and operational issues at two closely spaced intersections within an urban area.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about the recent updates to FDM 11-26 Roundabouts.
  • Learn about the benefits of compact roundabouts including improved safety, traffic calming, reduced real estate impacts, reduced environmental impacts, and reduced costs.
  • Learn about the difference between traditional roundabouts and compact roundabouts.
  • Learn why compact roundabouts were the best solution for the project.

C5. Value Management Principles and the Wisconsin VE Program
Speakers: Dan Tyler, WisDOT & Amanda Zacharias, Benesch

Maybe you’ve heard about Value Engineering studies, or dread having to do one on your project. Don’t despair: many people find VE beneficial. In this session, we’ll introduce the principles of Value Management. We’ll describe what sets VE apart from other methods: the 8-phase VE job plan and function analysis. We’ll also provide an overview of the WisDOT VE program specifically, so your project not just meets its requirements but also finds improved function or lower costs.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding of the basic principles of Value Management.
  • Description of functions and function analysis.
  • Overview of the SAVE International 8 phase job plan.
  • Overview of the Wisconsin VE Program and FHWA Requirements.


D1. ArcGIS Hub
Speaker: David Hunt, WisDOT

This session will:

  • Provide attendees with an understanding of an active pilot project examining ESRI ArcGIS Hub Premium for state transportation improvement project pages
  • Provide attendees with an understanding of the history of the need
  • Help attendees understand the how and why behind ArcGIS as a potential solution for webpages moving forward
  • Inform attendees how a one-stop project website for the entire life of a project will be more user-friendly
  • Give attendees a “first look” at what a new project webpage could look like
  • Allow for attendees to provide input regarding what items they believe could be included on a project webpage

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how ESRI ArcGIS Hub Premium pages fit into WisDOT’s public involvement toolbox.
  • Have an idea of how this effort will be rolled out.
  • Play a part in providing useful information to enhance this effort.

D2. Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO)
Speakers: Angela Adams, Andrew Levy & Anne Reshadi, WisDOT; Sheri Schmidt, Milwaukee Regional Medical Center

This class will provide an overview and applicability of Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO). TSMO per FHWA- Integrated strategies to optimize the performance of existing infrastructure through the implementation of multimodal and intermodal, cross-jurisdictional systems, services, and projects designed to preserve capacity and improve security, safety, and reliability of the transportation system; and the consideration of incorporating natural infrastructure.

The session will describe TSMO strategies and solutions that are occurring across the state of Wisconsin. These strategies are occurring at WisDOT, other agencies and within organizations.

Learning Objectives:

  • Be able to Identify TSMO strategies and solutions
  • Learn how agencies and organizations are applying TSMO strategies and solutions.
  • Discuss how WisDOT Region/Metropolitan planning organizations, other agencies and organizations are working together to implement TSMO strategies.

D3. Smart Work Zones
Speakers: Erin Schwark, WisDOT

The session will provide attendees a background of smart work zones and how they are used in Wisconsin. The session will cover the different systems used in WI, which consist of end of queue detection and dynamic late merge systems, review the different components required for each unique system and the benefits for improving safety for the traveling public and workers.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn what a smart work zone is.
  • Review how a smart work zone operates.
  • Discover how smart work zones can be implemented in construction to improve work zone safety.

D4. Innovative Intersections in Action
Speakers: Andrew Rowell, Ayres Associates & Joe Zellmer, Outagamie County Highway Department

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has identified several intersection types as Innovative Intersections. This session will discuss a few real examples of innovative intersection that have been successful in reducing crashes and improving traffic operations in the NE Region.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify innovative intersection types that may address safety and/or capacity issues along the state highway system.
  • Evaluate intersection alternatives to determine the best suited option for a specific location.
  • Explain to elected officials and stakeholders why this intersection type is ideal for that location.

D5. BIM for Infrastructure TPF at WisDOT
Speakers: Scot Becker, Michael Baker & Steve Popke, WisDOT

WisDOT is one of 21 states participating in the AASHTO Transportation Pooled Fund Study on BIM for Infrastructure (TPF5-480). This presentation will provide a summary of the current study activities, future tasks and goals, and how WisDOT intends to use the tools provided to move forward in BIM and digital delivery. 

The project is developing a Clearinghouse and Guidebook for implementation of BIM for Infrastructure. A data dictionary, Information Delivery Manual (IDM), and Information Delivery Specification (IDS) are also being developed for the Roadway Design to Construction and Digital As-Built exchanges. The project is currently in Year 2 of a 5 Year contract.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the objectives of the AASHTO BIM for Infrastructure Pooled Fund.
  • Identify key deliverables being developed to advance the industry.
  • Learn how WisDOT intends to use the tools developed in the study.


Protecting America’s Infrastructure (11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)

Speaker: Michael Hensle, FBI

As Civil Engineers, much of your time and effort is comprised of designing and constructing infrastructure used by the general public that is vital to our everyday lives. This course will give you an insight as to how important this infrastructure is and how the FBI works to keep it safe.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover background on the Federal Bureau of Investigation on a national and local level.
  • Understand what the FBI monitors on a regular basis to ensure the safety of our infrastructure.
  • Review examples of past attempts to dismantle or hack our infrastructure.