Chair’s Award
Recognizing Exceptional Volunteer Efforts
The Chair’s Award recognizes an individual’s personal service made to or on behalf of ACEC Wisconsin. Examples of service to be recognized are:
- Effective committee leadership.
- Outstanding support effort of ACEC WI committee or committee activity.
- Actions that advance the consulting engineering profession, benefit member firms or influence decision making on important issues
The call for nominees begins annually in December.
Download Chair's Award Guidelines
Recent Winners
Aaron Gudeyon, PE, LEED AP
Mead & Hunt Inc.
State Facilities Committee Leadership
Stanley R. Sugden, PE, FACEC
Ruekert/Mielke Inc.
Leadership Institute Class Advisor
Sue Leith, PG, CPSM
Ayres Associates
PR Committee, Social Media & Branding Initiatives
Stephanie Christensen, PE
All around “gold standard” volunteer
Chair's Award Honorees Historical List