Golf Road Roundabout and Golf Court Roundabout

Posted By: Josh Woller Awards,

2021 Engineering Excellence State Finalist

Entering Firm: Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.
Client: City of Delafield

The Golf Road and Golf Court traffic corridor in Delafield is a major vector of expansion for the city. Golf Road already served several businesses and new traffic solutions were key to improving access.

Short Elliott Hendrickson analyzed traffic flows and concluded that a roundabout would serve best for Golf Road and Golf Court in addition to traditional signal controls. While this was clearly the best option from a traffic perspective, it created issues with the business community. The design team worked closely with local stakeholders to show them how the roundabout would benefit them and not adversely impact their access or their parking spaces. The roundabout was placed in a former retention pond to not take any land from the businesses and the road was adjusted to work with the changes.

Another constraint was the timeframe. New developments were anticipated to open in early 2020. The design team completed the design work in three months and the construction work was completed in five. The new roadway was ready for business by October 2019, plenty of time for the city to advertise the improved infrastructure to incoming businesses.

Close coordination between businesses, the city and the design team resulted in solution that will facilitate business growth and development in the area.

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