Indemnification Bill Signed Into Law

Posted By: Andrew Heidtke ACEC WI News, Advocacy,

A note from CEO Chris Klein:

Good Morning, 

I am thrilled to announce that this afternoon the Governor signed Assembly Bill 514, our legislation that limits broad form indemnification and duty to defend clauses in public contracts. Joining the Governor at the bill signing were ACEC Wisconsin members Dave Brose (EMCS), Joe Bunker (Strand Associates), Mike Statz (MSA Professional Services) and Matt Kunstman (OES).
I want to thank all of our ACEC members for all the hard work put in over the past year working on this issue and convincing legislators of the importance of fair contracts for design professionals. Facing stiff opposition, we were still able to pass our legislation unanimously through the Senate in January. That success deserves celebration. This legislation was our top advocacy priority this legislative session, and with the Governor’s signature today, we end this legislative session accomplishing our goal.
The new restrictions will be effective in contracts entered into starting tomorrow. As part of our upcoming Annual Meeting, we will include a presentation on the legislation and how this affects you and your contracts.
Here is a copy of the legislation as signed. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions.
Thank you again for all your efforts in this great advocacy win for the engineering industry in Wisconsin.
