Member News 1.8.25

Posted By: Andrew Heidtke Member News,

MSA Professional Services is pleased to announce that Gil Hantzsch has transitioned to the role of Chief Strategy Officer. Read the full press release below:

'MSA Professional Services, Inc. (MSA) announced today the transition of former CEO Gil Hantzsch, PE, to the role of Chief Strategy Officer (CSO). In this role, Gil will serve as a part-time advisor, lending his insights toward the firm’s acquisitive growth, strategic plan, and leadership development efforts.

In July 2024, Nick Wagner, PE, was selected by MSA’s Board of Directors as the firm’s next CEO, an announcement that was made public in August 2024. The planned transition of leadership was made effective January 1, 2025, when Hantzsch also assumed the role of CSO. The former president and CEO intends to formally retire in late 2025.

Hantzsch joined MSA in 1992 as a wastewater engineer before being promoted to team leader in 1995, and vice president in 2008. In 2013, he accepted the role of president and CEO — a position he held for the next 11 years and during which he led the firm through impactful organizational initiatives, three successful acquisitions, consistent revenue growth, geographic expansion and many regional and national accolades. Hantzsch also led efforts positioning MSA to become a 100% employee-owned company in 2017, and in 2019, was inducted into the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) College of Fellows.

“I’m excited to pass the leadership baton to Nick,” comments Hantzsch. “He represents the next generation of leadership and one who will serve the organization as a steward of our employee-ownership model, and who will continue our tradition of service excellence to clients. I’m honored to assume this strategic advisory role and will work diligently to support Nick’s goals and the bright future of this organization.”'