ACEC WI Gathers for Annual Business Meeting

Posted By: Andrew Heidtke ACEC WI News,

Members came together virtually to review the amazing achievements of ACEC WI in 2023-24. Board Chair Josh Straka shared information record event attendance, a full Leadership Institute class and some of the new initiatives that the board is taking. Secretary/Treasurer Jeff Bauer shared that the organization's finances are very strong as well. With a record number of member firms and firm employees, ACEC WI is thriving!

President/CEO Chris Klein discussed how grassroots advocacy pushed our indemnification/duty to defend legislation over the finish line. This is one of our biggest legislative wins in recent history and a big benefit for our members.

The meeting closed with educational content from Parker Conover, Godfrey Kahn; Paula Dixon, Holmes Murphy & Associates; and Shawn Goodman, AXA XL about how the indemnification/duty to defend legislation works and how members can craft contract language in the new environment.

We look forward to continuing our success in 2024-25 and reaching new heights!